So allot has happened since I last posted so here I go...#1 Shaun's dad for Christmas bought
Shaun his 52 inch flat screen he has been drooling over for the last forever, I must say it is pretty fancy, Shaun likes it so much he has skipped the gym for the last 2 weeks and that is not good, hopefully this shall pass:)! Also we got faster
Internet and its like a whole new computer, we are moving on up!!!
#2 I just got put in as Young
Women's Secretary and I love it, I have always been in nursery or primary so its refreshing knowing i might get SOMETHING out of the three hours of church, Ryder is such a stink in sacrament meeting , we always end up out on the couches, and
that's not to spiritually uplifting:) This to shall pass...RIGHT?
#3 Cooper has started eating rice cereal and loves it, at his 4 month he was
a little under weight for his
hieght so he is sleeping pretty good he is up just once now and that is really good!
#4 For Christmas last year we got Ryder a
battery powered jeep and up until a few days ago he wanted not a dang thing to do with it, so now he goes out side and drives his jeep, I love that he goes out and some how comes in covered head to toe in dirt, but it gets him out of my hair for a while!
I hope this satisfies the people who tell me daily to update, this is as good as it gets!